I am one of the lucky ones who has had the chance to know and work for years with Josean Arruza, Professor of Psychology at

The post emphasizes that competition within sports teams, particularly in Canoe Slalom, can be constructive rather than detrimental. It advocates for managing competition to foster creativity and inclusion, while clearly defining goals and allowing decentralized execution. Effective leadership can harness rivalry to enhance both individual and collective performance, transforming tensions into progress.

There are numerous ways to deceive oneself, and one of the most common arises when reflecting on our true potential as athletes, whether at a

Lately, I’ve spent quite a bit of time in China, helping our friends — coaches and canoeists from Guizhou province — improve their approach to

During my time as a (poor) philosophy student, I found myself briefly fascinated by the ideas circulating in Europe at the turn of the 19th